The things that go on in the dark
Every now and then a stupendous advertisement comes along that does not annoy the living Tophet out of me, and which I generally remember forever. I’ve mentioned some examples before. There’s one print...
View ArticleAn honest email from HR
This I had to share. But I also had to bowdlerize it a bit, because reasons. If you really don’t care about salty language and think it improves things, stroll on over and read the original. I hope the...
View ArticleUnited breaks guitars, and beats up paying customers.
We live in a tumultuous world, with a lot going on around us. There’s a lot that we can’t do much about. But I’ve always felt that corporate douchebaggery and abuse of power need to be called out...
View ArticleOscar Munoz, United’s CEO, doubles down.
My previous entry dealt with an event in Chicago where a paid passenger was roughed-up and dragged off a flight by Chicago Aviation Security “officers” – notice those scare quotes, they are there for a...
View ArticleNext phase of the United Saga
First, Oscar Munoz “apologized” for re-accomodating” a paying passenger – by beating the snot out of him and dragging him off the plane. Then, this fine specimen of corporate leadership doubles down by...
View ArticleWork Smarter, Not Harder
Scott Adams has poked fun at this bit of business triteness that workers have probably come to enjoy hearing about as much as a dentist’s drill being scraped across a whiteboard. This morning I began...
View ArticleYour Computer Has Been Blocked! (PS – no, it hasn’t)
If you get a screen like this while doing something like trying to log in to Facebook or something else, usually as a result of clicking on a link after a web search, you are being scammed. Typically...
View ArticleIf it sounds too good to be true, it is. Even on Amazon.
In today’s electronic age, where a scammer in Nigeria can take advantage of a little old lady in Broken Clavicle, Wyoming, it’s important to be very careful checking out your sources before you send...
View ArticlePump and Dump is still a thing.
Here’s an email I got today, one of several on the same subject. To: info From: Dominique Thornton <> Subject: FDA approval is about to send this stock up fifty fold...
View ArticleHard Drive Safety Delete Will Start in Five Minutes
Executive Summary: There is no “hard drive safety delete.” Your machine is not infected. You have been redirected to a malicious web page. Calling “support” will connect you to someone in India who...
View ArticleJukmifgguggh
Jukmifgguggh (Four servings) Ingredients 400 g tripe 100 g crimini mushrooms 1 medium onion 2 cloves garlic 2 C Chunky peanut butter 50 g chocolate bark Olive oil Fresh Basil, a handful Preparation...
View ArticleThe Carousel of Progress
NOTE: This entry is a trip down memory lane, but be warned: At the end it gets political. As a result, I’ve disabled comments for this post. If you disagree with anything here, the Web is open – write...
View ArticleDear Google News, what the hqiz is this?
I’m used to seeing all sorts of spam and junk ads on the internet – not so much since I have ad blockers at work for me, but a lot of the ads on pages are served up in ways that ad blockers don’t...
View ArticleMicrosoft, stop resetting my program defaults in Windows 10.
Dear Microsoft, I don’t give a rat’s south-40 whether or not an app caused a problem. Handle it with an error message, if you must. Or a recommendation. I’ve been to “program defaults” and I have...
View ArticleMilkshake, Hold the Cup
Berkeley Breathed, creator of “The Academia Waltz,” “Bloom County,” and “Opus” (there, Melissa, I used an Oxford Comma, I want a gold star) has long been a favorite of mine, right up there with...
View ArticleThe Deseret Alphabet remembered
I have written about the Deseret Alphabet before, in a somewhat unusual context – today I came across a nostalgic article at the Deseret News commemorating this bit of linguistic whimsy. It appears to...
View ArticleWeight-loss fraud – still a multibillion dollar industry
With all the good food to eat in the world, compounded by reality shows about celebrity chefs and such things, it’s easy as pie to gain weight. (I see what I did there.) But getting it off is another...
View ArticlePhishing is still very much a thing. Please be careful.
This showed up in a business email account yesterday. Please note, I don’t have an acccount with US Bank, and the “To:” field has an address that is not mine. (click the image to enlarge) When you...
View ArticleWordPress users, please use strong passwords
Just got phishing spam from bad guys pretending to the Bank of Ireland. Here’s the email: If you are fooled into clicking the link, you are redirected to:...
View ArticleSoldiers fight wars. Politicians declare them.
I’ve written about war before. I make no bones about the fact that I don’t see it as a productive human enterprise. This quote from Herbert Hoover below echoes the spirit of words from Chaucer that I...
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