A Taxonomy of Trump Tweets – from On the Media.”
On the Media is “WNYC’s weekly investigation into how the media shapes our world view. Veteran journalists Brooke Gladstone and Bob Garfield give you the tools to survive the media maelstrom.” A recent...
View ArticlePhilippe Kahn, Prophet
I was on site in 1986, the year Philippe Kahn, CEO of Borland, had the temerity to say in the midst of a crowd of Mac enthusiasts in San Francisco, that the Macintosh was a piece of shit. That took a...
View ArticleBeware of “Pet Care” texts or emails
Over at a post about working over a Craigslist scammer, I got a few comments about a particular scammer that’s working the “pet care” angle. I thought I’d respond to his email address and see how it...
View ArticleTwo bees, or not two bees.
When I was younger I was enamored of flying, having learned how at Key West Naval Air Force base thanks to a brief stint as a military dependent. Flying lessons were at that time affordable, and I took...
View ArticleAn Essay for Mrs. Malaprop
“A malapropism (also called a malaprop or Dogberryism) is the use of an incorrect word in place of a word with a similar sound, resulting in a nonsensical, often humorous utterance… The word...
View ArticleBeware the Zeus virus (No, you’re not infected)
I’ve written about scams that get you to call a phone number and help bad guys access your computer before. Here’s another variety you need to be aware of. My wife’s computer has had this happen twice...
View ArticleDoctors: Then and Now.
It’s tough to find a doctor you can trust. I’ve written before about Dr. Max Jacobson, a New York City physician that my mother loved dearly, and I was delighted to have had some personal experience...
View ArticleIncome by deception: they’re not even trying any more.
Have a look at a few screenshots from my Android a couple of days ago: Hilarious joke collection. OK, I’m always up for a new laugh or two. But beware: popup ads like this are rarely honest or...
View ArticleMarketing by terror
I’ve mentioned Android webjacking before, but here’s another example. Things like this are not usually “viruses” on your handheld device, but rather malicious code embedded in a legitimate website by...
View ArticleA Democratic Manifesto
The original post for this appeared at Facebook, if you would like to read the entire context. I have slightly edited and shared it here, because it deserves wider exposure. I am assuming that the...
View ArticleSome thoughts on hearing loss from reddit
In a recent post at /r/lifeprotips, user /u/briskyfresh posted a Life Pro Tip entitled, “LPT: Your hearing is not invincible. Please lower your volume when listening to music. Bring earplugs to...
View ArticleThe Shame at America’s Borders
Yesterday on February 27th, the New Yorker published a piece about the ordeal of Mem Fox, a well-known Australian author of children’s books, who was coming to the US to be a keynote speaker at a...
View ArticleA letter to International Women’s Day
I am here sharing an English translation of a Hebrew article written by Or Maroni-Cohen, who would love her writing to be read by non-Hebrew-speakers. The translation is by Sharon Neeman. She has given...
View ArticleClimate change: The time for talk is over
The Internet is a huge thing. I try to stay abreast of world and current events, but without a positronic brain, I sometimes miss things. Today came to my attention an article that was posted at reddit...
View ArticleNo, Turmeric lemonade is not better than Prozac
In current parlance, the word “woo” is defined at RationalWiki in this way: Woo is a term for pseudoscientific explanations that share certain common characteristics, often being too good to be true...
View ArticleI want to play in the World Game
Yes, it’s the title of my blog, too. Some of my readers may have wondered what that’s all about. The idea originated with R. Buckminster Fuller, and you can read more about the concept at the...
View ArticleMy Lifelong Wrestle With Mormonism
An insightful and poignant essay, very much worth sharing. His second list is much like one I saw decades ago, compiled by a good friend of mine, Dru White: The Old Wolf has reblogged; be sure to read...
View ArticleThe cats that have owned me
You know the saying – “Cats don’t have owners, they have staff.” Pretty true. This is Twee. Isn’t he cute? We adopted him in about 1957 or so; he got his name from a book I had as a child, Ounce, Dice,...
View ArticleTen Commandments for Travelers
I gathered this little bit of shared wisdom long ago before the age of the Internet or even email. I don’t know where it came from – Reader’s Digest, a mechanic’s wall, who knows. But I’ve always saved...
View ArticleHere’s to the crazy ones – and to the creators of the campaign.
Recently I posted this image over at Facebook: At once I began to get pushback on the source, so I thought I’d do a bit of digging – and what I found was interesting. One thing is certain – the quote...
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