Don’t waste your money on this garbage.
Every time I see a new scam for weight loss, I shed a tear for the people who are taken in. But when I see major retailers pushing snake oil, the tears dry up and are replaced with fiery heat under my...
View ArticlePluto: Still a planet, always a planet.
Poor Pluto. I wrote a detailed essay about my feelings back in 2014, before New Horizons had gotten close enough to reveal the stunning images of Pluto and Charon that it painstakingly sent back at 38...
View ArticleAve atque vale, Dilbert
I’ve long loved the comic strips. In high school I’d regularly run across the street for a cup of coffee and the Waterbury Republican, work the crossword, and catch up on the day’s funnies. When...
View ArticleDon’t reply to spam. Ever.
This should go without saying, but I just thought I’d point out one of many reasons why you should never respond to spam messages. (We wanted to let you know that we noticed that you still did not...
View Article150 quotes overheard in LA
Here’s the scoop on LA, in 150 amusing overheard quotes. I found this at Bored Panda, which they lifted from the Instagram account Overheard LA, where you can see more of these. As usual it’s broken up...
View Article“My hat, it has three corners…”
I learned this song as a child, as many of us probably did at camp or elsewhere. My hat, it has three corners, Three corners has my hat. And had it not three corners, It would not be my hat! Or, in...
View ArticleAbout those Confederate monuments…
There are basically two schools of thought floating around the public’s consciousness about confederate monuments right now, especially in light of recent events in Charlottesville, Virginia. These are...
View ArticleIEs in the Movies
By Marc Resnick Anyone ever seen “The Desk Set”? It’s a light romantic comedy from 1957 starring Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn. Spencer Tracy plays an IE, which makes it personally appealing....
View ArticleOutdated processes
By Marc Resnick The pool at my townhouse development opened up this weekend. I went soon after it opened Monday morning. My plan was just to lie on a pool lounge chair for an hour or two with my...
View ArticleHow the waste was gone – Web exclusive from Industrial Engineer magazine
In the February 2015 of Industrial Engineer magazine, the Case Study article looks at lean Six Sigma applications undertaken by the city government in Houston, Texas. Below is a list of project...
View ArticleDilbert and the Art of Lean
In Scott Adams’ book “How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big”, he argues for the value of lean as a principle in everything from decision making to one’s systems that are used in business...
View ArticlePhishing is still very much a thing. Please be careful.
This showed up in a business email account yesterday. Please note, I don’t have an acccount with US Bank, and the “To:” field has an address that is not mine. (click the image to enlarge) When you...
View ArticleWordPress users, please use strong passwords
Just got phishing spam from bad guys pretending to the Bank of Ireland. Here’s the email: If you are fooled into clicking the link, you are redirected to:...
View ArticleSoldiers fight wars. Politicians declare them.
I’ve written about war before. I make no bones about the fact that I don’t see it as a productive human enterprise. This quote from Herbert Hoover below echoes the spirit of words from Chaucer that I...
View ArticleDon’t waste your money on this garbage.
Every time I see a new scam for weight loss, I shed a tear for the people who are taken in. But when I see major retailers pushing snake oil, the tears dry up and are replaced with fiery heat under my...
View ArticlePluto: Still a planet, always a planet.
Poor Pluto. I wrote a detailed essay about my feelings back in 2014, before New Horizons had gotten close enough to reveal the stunning images of Pluto and Charon that it painstakingly sent back at 38...
View ArticleAve atque vale, Dilbert
I’ve long loved the comic strips. In high school I’d regularly run across the street for a cup of coffee and the Waterbury Republican, work the crossword, and catch up on the day’s funnies. When...
View ArticleDon’t reply to spam. Ever.
This should go without saying, but I just thought I’d point out one of many reasons why you should never respond to spam messages. (We wanted to let you know that we noticed that you still did not...
View Article150 quotes overheard in LA
Here’s the scoop on LA, in 150 amusing overheard quotes. I found this at Bored Panda, which they lifted from the Instagram account Overheard LA, where you can see more of these. As usual it’s broken up...
View Article“My hat, it has three corners…”
I learned this song as a child, as many of us probably did at camp or elsewhere. My hat, it has three corners, Three corners has my hat. And had it not three corners, It would not be my hat! Or, in...
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