First, Oscar Munoz “apologized” for re-accomodating” a paying passenger – by beating the snot out of him and dragging him off the plane.
Then, this fine specimen of corporate leadership doubles down by blaming the passenger.
Finally, United offers a real apology and promises changes.
With regards to United’s “apology” for the event,
“The sentiment certainly rings a bit hollow when it follows two previous failures and 36 hours of intense public pressure…The back-against-the-wall, through-gritted-teeth apology isn’t generally a winning strategy.” (Jeremy Robinson-Leon)
Have a look at these articles from the New York Times about the matter:
- United Grapples With PR Crisis Over Videos of Man Being Dragged Off Plane
- How Technology Has Failed to Improve Your Airline Experience
The Internet, of course, has come up with its own response:
Keep up the pressure on United until things improve, not only with this airline but throughout the industry.
The security officers involved in this debacle are not squeaky-clean either – three of them have been suspended pending reviews.
Lastly, the social media flap and internal policy reviews are not the only consequences – the affected passenger has retained a high-powered attorney and begun steps to file a lawsuit. As much as I execrate frivolous legal action, I hope whatever happens is a serious financial incentive for United to be careful how it treats paying customers in the future.
The Old Wolf has spoken.