Philip K. Howard – The Death of Common Sense
This article, written 20 years ago, is an excerpt from Howard’s book by the same name. It was published in US News and World Reports on January 30, 1995. It is even more relevant today than it was...
View ArticleA Century of Daytona Beach
Not much commentary is needed here. 1904 1957 2015 (Spring Break)
View ArticleDefinitions for a ‘Fictionary’
Something culled from my half-century-old file of random clippings and copies, which are now being digitized. I was amazed, in passing, at how many of these actually had found their way to the Internet...
View ArticleUtah Speak
Utah has its own language and its own dialect, especially when you get out of the cosmopolitan areas. This list of Utah words was assembled by the Radio from Hell show. Liar Skiddin Sway Mart Al Scout...
View ArticleNothing Equal about This
“Separate but Equal” was the rallying cry of racism. Original caption: Charlotte, NC: A crowd of youths taunts Dorothy Geraldine Counts, 15, as she walks to a previously all-white Harding High School...
View ArticleGasp! My $2,500,000 is gone!
View ArticleA grandson I never knew I had…
Cross-posted from Livejournal In October of 2009, while feasting on clams at Cap’n Cat’s Clam Bar and Tavern in Westville, NJ, *Urp! Excuse me!*, I got my first phone call ever from my grandson. He was...
View ArticleScam – RE: It’s OK…….Call (202) 241 6918
An email that arrived yesterday from “Victor Brown.” The interesting thing is that I called this Washington, DC number and got a recording with a decidedly African accent. The message I left is not...
View ArticleDIY Part II – Things worked out better this time.
So the CD player in my 2007 Prius went South; wouldn’t eject disks any longer. Time to get a new one. Called up two dealerships requesting information. Dealer 1: $365.00 for a re-manufactured unit plus...
View ArticleWoo Water
Visitng a LYS (Local Yarn Shop) in Logan, Utah, I had a glance at the April 2, 2015 edition of Time™ while my wife was finishing up her browsing. And once again it was confirmed that there’s a sucker...
View ArticleHow to Fit-up Your Computer (aka Translation Troubles)
Translation has always been more or less an afterthought for most companies, and overseas firms that manufacture goods for the USA often (obviously!) cut corners by saying things like “Oh, give it to...
View ArticleRebuses
These word plays have been around for a long time, but here is a cluster I found while cleaning and digitizing the things I have collected in file cabinets over the last four decades. (Answers at the...
View ArticleCultural appropriation and Native American wisdom.
“The problem with quotes on the Internet is that their sources are extremely hard to verify.” -Abraham Lincoln And see, there are so many things out there like that where some bit of human wisdom or...
View ArticleIt’s Yesterday Once More: Cocoa Marsh
I first mentioned this product of the 60s as I was reminiscing about television. First came Bosco, begun in 1928. Think Hershey’s Syrup, but nowhere near as nasty tasting. It made a lovely chocolate...
View ArticleA New Horoscope: I’m not as random as you think I salad…
I found these “New Horoscopes” over at the Facebook page of Notixx; I’m not sure who the original artist/creator is, but it deserves a share, especially with the sick descriptions by Darcie Bell....
View ArticlePayPal Scam: Your account has been limited.
I’ve mentioned phishing scams before, in a number of places. This email arrived yesterday, Note the red flags on this one: A sender’s address that is not “” Poor formatting Incomplete text...
View ArticleNever “Verify Your Email.”
No email service will send you a message asking you to provide your address and password, or other financial data. They just won’t. This email is bogus. Note the red circle next to the “click to...
View ArticleSome thoughts on weight loss from a redditor
Every now and then I stumble across something on reddit that I think deserves a wider audience; there are a lot of folks out there who don’t have any idea what reddit is, or what to do with it. In the...
View ArticleEvery day is April Fool’s in nutrition.
“People who are desperate for reliable information face a bewildering array of diet guidance—salt is bad, salt is good, protein is good, protein is bad, fat is bad, fat is good—that changes like the...
View ArticleGetting it All Together (Vocabulary Suicide)
Getting It All Together Everyone knows that a shirt has sleeves, pocket, tail, cuffs and collar. Fewer people recognize that an airplane has a fin, rudder, trim tab, and aileron. In each group of...
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