Getting It All Together
Everyone knows that a shirt has sleeves, pocket, tail, cuffs and collar. Fewer people recognize that an airplane has a fin, rudder, trim tab, and aileron. In each group of items below, choose from among the ones on the right and match them with their components. (In most cases, the things listed on the left represent only part of the components which make up the corresponding item.) Answers and rating after the quiz.
Here’s a freebie:
_____ 1. Penumbra, umbra _____ 2. Hammer, anvil, stirrup _____ 3. Choroid, sclera, conjunctiva _____ 4. Pedicel, calyx, stigma _____ 5. Terret, martingale, Crupper _____ 6. Vena cava, myocardium _____ 7. Coronet, pastern, fetlock _____ 8. Visceral & parietal pleura, upper lobe _____ 9. Spanker, fore-royal, main royal _____ 10. Patella, humerus, tibia _____ 11. Sphenoid, occipital, zygomatic _____ 12. Scroll, neck, waist, tailpiece _____ 13. Ileum, jejunum, duodenum _____ 14. Spiracles, tympanum, cereus _____ 15. Casemate, bailey, barbican _____ 16. Newel skirt, comb, balustrade _____ 17. Voussoir, spandrel, impost, skewback _____ 18. Pedipalpi, pedicel, scopula _____ 19. Flews, dewlap, withers _____ 20. Jump line, weather ear, dingbat _____ 21. Crossknot, wings _____ 22. Welt, vamp, tongue _____ 23. Stretcher, gore, ferrule, bullet _____ 24. Staves, chime, hoop _____ 25. Pommel, bell, button _____ 26. Longeon, spar, bridle leg _____ 27. Cantle, swell, gullet _____ 28. La Hire, Judith, Charlemagne _____ 29. Chanter, bass drone, mounts _____ 30. Lams, heddles, whip roll _____ 31. Gnomon, diagram, plate _____ 32. Capillary tube, constriction, lens _____ 33. Shackle, case, plug _____ 34. Pintle, knuckles, leaf _____ 35. Beaver, gorget, tace, tasset _____ 36. Jacket, crimp, rim, primer _____ 37. Dalmatic, chasuble, alb _____ 38. Bridge, fishtail, drop, overlay _____ 39. Straws, gour darn, flowstone _____ 40. Scend, spindrift, curl |
l = ah 6 = s 11 = v 16 = k 21 = d 26 = y 31 = ak 36 = f
2 = q 7 = p 12 = an 17 = a 22 = aa 27 = af 32 = al 37 = e
3 = r 8 = t 13 = x 18 = ai 23 = am 28 = ae 33 = ad 38 = g
4 = l 9 = ag 14 = w 19 = i 24 = c 29 = b 34 = j 39 = z
5 = o 10 = u 15 = h 20 = ab 25 = m 30 = n 35 = aj 40 = ac
Your Rating:
35-40 correct: You’ve got it all together. You have a high vocabulary, are well educated, a neat dresser, and like your caviar imported.
26-34 correct: Not bad. You are well read and move in active social circles. You pay attention to detail and remember things you hear.
19-25 correct: You are certainly above average intelligence and possess notable common sense. Your friends come to you for advice. You are as handy with facts as a handyman is with a hammer.
13-18 Correct: You played around in schoo1, but still came out well because of natural ability. You love to read the back of cereal boxes. You are good at remembering most facts, but sometimes miss an important one (which ends up costing you). You’re admired and liked by those who are less with it than you are.
8-11 correct: You know what it takes to get around socially, and enjoy talking. What other people think you know is important to you. You once finished reading a book in the same month you started it. You have a hard time remembering things you’ve seen or heard unless they are in color and you are eating popcorn. In the long run, you will probably outshine those who seem to have the edge.
4-7 correct: You sometimes bore your friends by telling them facts you don’t possess. You may have been sued for advice malpractice. You have a keen sense of humor, but your jokes are mostly borrowed. You like comic books, bubblegum wrapper ads, and recipes. A half hour of reading cage signs at the zoo tires you mentally.
1-3 correct: You sneaked across the boarder and have just arrived in this country. You do not speak English, except to make your basic needs known. Your goal is to be a brain surgeon or a millionaire, whichever comes first. You will soon learn to spell your name correctly.
0 correct: Sorry. Vegetables were not supposed to be allowed to take this test.