Beauty in Paper – The 1896 Educational Currency
I previously wrote about what I considered to be America’s most beautiful coinage: Today, paper money gets a turn. From Wikipedia: The Educational Series series of notes is the informal nickname given...
View ArticleJoyeuse – the Sword of Karolus Magnus
Pictured above is the hilt of Joyeuse (Joyous), reputedly the sword of Charlemagne. Whether or not this is true remains a subject of debate for historians, but there is no question this artifact which...
View ArticleWhich America Do You Want?
The above buttons represent sentiments that were commonly seen as bumper stickers during the Vietnam War era. The former was by far the most prevalent, but the latter could be seen on the vehicles of...
View ArticleNever eat chemicals! Uh, wait…
If you listen to the Food Babe Thermonuclear Idiot, that’s what you might come away believing. But I exhort you to pay no attention to this unqualified attention harlot. Instead, feast your eyes on...
View ArticleAgain: Don’t click on email attachments from unknown people.
This cannot be stressed enough: Don’t click on email attachments from unknown people. Yesterday this email showed up in my inbox: To: [edited] Subject: We could not deliver your parcel, #00576180 From:...
View ArticleReblog: Live Long and Prosper
The image popped up on Facebook; a bit of digging brought me to this post from Mantilla and Converse, which I thought was worth sharing in its entirety: בשמאלה עושר וכבוד – in her left hand riches and...
View ArticleWhy are Windows updates so bloody slow?
I wondered the same thing yesterday, as Windows chose a very inopportune time to shut my system down, do it’s thing, restart, do it’s thing, and finally re-boot. There were 17 updates waiting to...
View ArticleTwo Scams Today: Be Careful Out There.
Scam 1: Benin Fraud Seems that Benin is rapidly replacing Nigeria as the source of these scam letters. Subject: Attn Please! From: McAllen-Miller <> To: undisclosed-recipients:;...
View ArticleNot from Chase: Watch the URLs
It goes without saying that this email is NOT from Chase. From: Subject: Chase Online Important Alert : Action Required To: Undisclosed recipients: ; We’ve Updated Our Online...
View ArticleTwisting reason – the false logic of desperate atheists and insecure believers
This image recently popped up on my Facebook feed, and I found it disturbing. Accompanying the image was the exposition, “He either exists but can’t, in which case he’s not omnipotent, or he exists but...
View ArticleThey see us spammin’, they hatin’…
Got this email from some Chinese spammers today: From: “Jordan West” <> To: [deleted] Subject: [SPAM] Re:Re: how to pay? please do not reply directly. if you want to...
View ArticleDialect variations in nomenclature – the US vs. Germany
One of the more interesting terminology diversions in the US has to do with what you fill up your jug with at the convenience store. No, not that “good ol’ Mountain Dew,” although that can certainly be...
View Article1942 – Assembling the Sears Catalog
… by hand. Those catalogs offered just about anything under the sun. They were, in effect, the of the early days. And those prices. Of course, the average annual salary in 1942 was $2,400,...
View ArticleOngoing scams from Benin
A new scam email from “Mr. Sarawut Gan,” but using the same return address as “Dr. Graham Honnse” from the IRS. I have not yet figured out if the scammers in Nigeria have just moved to Benin – it’s...
View ArticleBe very carefully what ever you are doing with these crocks.
Excellent advice. Emails of this nature are a crock. The people who send them, however, are crooks. “Be very carefully what ever you are doing” with them. This particular specimen of scam email from...
View ArticlePhishing in the Yahoo! Pond
Just received: Mail Blocked Email Service Today at 8:05 PM To: me Your Yahoo Mail Box has exceeded the storage limit is 1 GB, which is defined by the administrator, you are running at 99.8 gigabytes...
View ArticleGender Bias in the Workplace – an evolving Metastudy
I’m sharing this because it needs to be shared. (The link to the relevant article is at the end.) It’s intriguing and well-considered, and does its best to bring all variables under one umbrella It...
View ArticleIf they’re willing to spam you, think twice. No, think three times.
Spam is one of the plagues of the 21st century. Despite feeble efforts of government regulatory bodies (think CAN-SPAM act, which resulted in an increase of spam), spammers continue their tactics. In...
View ArticleWell yeah, why *can’t* public transit be free?
Of course, it comes down to economics. But I’m reminded of a couple of stories. A corporation needs a new accountant, and the VP of HR does the interviewing. In comes the first candidate. “How much is...
View ArticleWhy *do* we need another Cinderella?
I mean, there are so many. The Disney animated version, “The Slipper and the Rose,” “Ever After”, “Ella Enchanted”, at last count eight other movies just called “Cinderella,” and a host of others. Each...
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