Just received:
Your Yahoo Mail Box has exceeded the storage limit is 1 GB, which is defined by the administrator, you are running at 99.8 gigabytes and you can not send or receive new messages until you re-validate your mailbox.
To renew the mailbox
Thank you!Web-mail system administrator!
WARNING! Protect your privacy. Log-out when you are done and completely exit your browse.
I have a Yahoo! mail account that I use for business, so I was interested enough to open it to see if this was legit.
☛ No, it’s not. ☚
Let’s see what’s wrong with it.
1. Your Yahoo Mail Box has exceeded the storage limit is 1 GB, which is defined by the administrator, you are running at 99.8 gigabytes
So, my limit is 1GB and I’ve got almost 100 GB of mail stored out there. No, I don’t think so.
2. The “Click Here” link is a Tinyurl (http://tinyurl.com/BByzcs5w) which resolves to: http://skanker.submonks.org/wp-content/admin/mail1134-1662-10787-0%20833-14345=[broken].php. I have broken both links so they can’t inadvertently be followed.
Yahoo! will not be sending out email from “skanker.submonks.org” which looks like a hijacked domain.
3. Log-out when you are done and completely exit your browse.
“Exit my browse?” OK, I think Yahoo! has better e-mail writers than this.
Follow that link and this is what you get:
Enter your real data and you have given control of your email to festering, maggot-infested heaps of camel ejecta who will steal your contacts, send out scam emails to all of them, and generally make life miserable for you and everyone you know.
Then you get this:
In this, they are telling the truth: The next screen is from ConstantContact.com, an email marketing firm. In other words, give us your data and we’ll make sure your level of spam increases by an order of magnitude.
Be careful out there. The larger the world’s population grows, the more scumbags there are who want your money, your information, and anything else they can get, as illustrated by the following population bell curve:
The Old Wolf has Spoken.