Bedford, NH – March 20, 2016 – A robbery occurred last night at the Animal Rescue League of NH; a nonprofit that helps thousands of pets each year. The outside door to The League’s Pet Food Pantry was ripped off the hinges, and over 500 lbs of dry dog and cat food were stolen, including 15 lbs of dog treats. The shelf-lined walls that were stocked with pet food, are now bare. Although the door to The League’s tool shed was busted, it does not appear that that anything is missing. Bedford Police is on scene again today. Anyone with any information about this break-in, should call the Bedford Police Department at 603-472-5113.
The League is asking community members who are able to help replace the stolen food, to bring donations of dry dog food, dry cat food, and dog treats today until 5pm, or after 9am tomorrow. The League is also looking for help fixing the doors to the Pet Food Pantry and the tool shed.
The Animal Rescue League of NH receives no state or federal funding, and is dependent upon donations from community members and businesses to support their work of improving animal welfare in their communities by helping pets and the people who care for them.
For more information about the Animal Rescue League of NH, visit
Bad people. Who the hqiz steals from an animal shelter? They probably sold the whole load for 20 bucks and promptly shot it into their veins.